Igbo traders who trade in Alaba international market cry out over eviction


Igbo Traders in Alaba International Market, under the aegis of New Site Shopping Mall and Warehouse Section, have shouted out over the asserted unlawful ousting from a property under prosecution.
The dealers, in an appeal to by their executive, Eze Ezebuadi and Secretary, Ikechukwu Umeuhabike, approached the Inspector General of the Police, Mr. Idris Ibrahim to give them assurance over the utilization of equipped hooligans and associated individuals with the Oodua Peoples Congress, OPC, to savagely pursue them far from the property, the topic of a suit pending under the steady gaze of a Lagos High Court, sitting in Badagry.
In the request, the brokers guaranteed that they obtained the land, 48 plots at Alaba International Market Annex, Alaba-Rago, Ojo, at some point in 2008, from the first proprietors, Omo Eleduwa group of Kemberi and Adetona Cambell family.
As indicated by the applicants, they have been utilizing the bundle of land as stop, where their compartments are released and products sold to the clients until 2010, when one Almotson Nigeria Limited, drove by one Akande surfaced and asserted that the state government gave them Certificate of Occupancy, C of O, in regard of a similar land.
“In November 2015, Amotson Nigeria Limited filled a claim at the state High Court sitting in Badagry, asserting that we the brokers trespassed on the land. On June 13, 2016, the trial judge, Justice Bola Okikiolu-Ighile declined the use of infusion looked for by the inquirer and requested quickened becoming aware of the matter..”
The oppressed brokers had before, through their insight Mr. Toyin Keshinro, in a pre-activity see sent to the state Attorney General, Mr. Kazeem Adeniji whined how the authorities of the state Ministry of Environment at the case of Almotson Nigeria Limited, attacked the property and did the unlawful obliteration of the property, in egregious rebellion to the court arrange that declined to restain the dealers from the property.
Then, the Inspector General of Police has coordinated the Assistant Inspector General of Police in-Charge of Zone 2 to complete an intensive examination of the objections of the merchants to deflect slaughter and potential conflict amongst Igbo and Yoruba dealers in the market.

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