“Incompetence dressed up as ‘strategy’ is still incompetence” – Watch Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Commencement Speech at Williams College

On Sunday, June 4, 2017, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie received an honorary degree from Williams College and was also the College’s commencement speaker for the 2017 ceremony.
The President of the college Adam F. Falk conferred bachelor’s degrees on 525 seniors. Master of Arts degrees was awarded to 13 students in the Program in the History of Art, and 30 fellows from the Center for Development Economics received M.A. degrees in Policy Economics.
The author gave an inspiring speech for about 20 minutes talking about post-grad life, injustice, incompetence and complacency, finding favour and more.
Photo Credit: GettyImages | Donna Ward

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