It’s Scoliosis Awareness Month! Here’s Everything you Need to Know about Scoliosis

Do you know Scoliosis?
No I don’t!
Yes I do!
I must have heard about it before…
Is it not that disease that?….
It is Scoliosis Awareness Month and we are here to make sure you #kNOwScoliosis!
First, Scoliosis is NOT a disease; it is a (spinal) disorder.
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine – the spine is curved to one side of the body, rather than straight. The spine is curved, and may look like a “C” or an “S” shape.
Facts you should know about Scoliosis:
  • Scoliosis affects girls more than boys and occurs mostly during the pre-adolescent years (from ages 10-16).
  • 80-90% of scoliosis cases are idiopathic (meaning they have no known cause).
  • Scoliosis has no favorites- anyone, anywhere, at any age, regardless of socio-economic factors can have scoliosis.
  • Scoliosis has NO 100% cure.
  • progressive curve that is left untreated can cause heart, lung and neurological complications, and even death.
How to detect Scoliosis in a child-
There are two really simple ways to test for scoliosis:
Other things to look out for are clothes not fitting properly on a child’s body; uneven hemline [in girls] and uneven trouser length.
There may be no 100% cure for scoliosis, but there are treatment options such as:
  • Bracing,
  • Physical Therapy; and
  • Surgery.
The key is EARLY DETECTION. Detecting Scoliosis early aids effective treatment.
If you currently live with scoliosis, engage in swimming and core-strengthening exercises. Not to worry, exercises will keep your back strong; the world’s fastest man Usain Bolt is proof! (Yes, he has scoliosis in case you didn’t know)
Screen your child for scoliosis every six months, it costs nothing! If you require help with screening or will like to see a physical demonstration of how to screen your child for scoliosis AT NO COST to you, shoot us an email:
Scoliosis awareness run/walk
Also, it’s the global month of scoliosis awareness and we are organizing a run/walk, sign up at to join us! We’ll also be conducting a free scoliosis screening session; kids are invited!
Get Involved. Get Educated. Share the knowledge!
Visit for more information.
#kNOwScoliosis, Nigeria!
This content has been
 published for free as part of‘s commitment to youth, education, healthcare and community development as part of our corporate social responsibility programme

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