SG Tipsy Monday: Solomon's 5 Ways to be the best Romantic Gut she Ever Had (Episode 1)


Here are some guidelines to be able to come up with your own powerful romantic gestures.
1. Surprise

Surprise is absolutely essential in your romantic gesture.

If you come across as boring and predictable in everything that you do, then you are not being romantic.

But if you keep your partner on her toes by surprising her with your gestures, then your relationship flourishes.
2. Thought

It truly is the thought that counts.

If your gestures takes time, energy, and effort then you’re probably on to something good.
3. Calibration

Your romantic gesture needs to be calibrated to your partner.

In many cases, if it seems like you just recreated a sweet thing that your buddy told you about but it doesn’t really match up to what your partner likes, then it could fall flat.

Take the time to think about what makes her feel loved and appreciated.

Don’t ask yourself “What could I do that would seem romantic?” Instead, ask yourself, “What could I do to make (Insert your partner’s name) feel the most loved and appreciated?”
4. Self-initiated

While romantic gestures can certainly have a positive effect on Valentine’s Day or her birthday, if your gesture is self-initiated (meaning it happened because you decided to make it happen and not because the calendar told you you should be romantic) then it is that much more powerful.

Sending her flowers just because. Doing the dishes because you know it will make her life easier. Mailing her a random “thank you for being my partner” card (even if you live together).

Taking the initiative in your love life will always be appreciated, so do it.
5. Simplicity

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the details of having to plan out a five part date with chauffeurs, dinner reservations, and candle-lit champagne-fuelled sunsets… so keep it simple! Shave off as many layers of complexity as possible for your romantic gesture.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money (or necessarily time) for your romantic gesture to speak volumes about how you feel about her.

As long as it makes her feel loved, it will be a success.

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