Ghanaian TV Star Peace Hyde is KOKO Magazine’s New Cover Girl 😍

See excerpts of her interview below.
On her biggest challenge: I believe the biggest challenge is overcoming my negative mindset. You will always have challenges in whatever field you are in and that is to be expected. But those challenges can be overcome. The difficulty is in overcoming your own fears and doubts and that lies in adopting the right mindset. For the longest time I was consumed with what people would think of me and that dictated a lot of the things I did until I decided to change my mindset. That was my biggest challenge and that is what I tell people when they ask me about my journey. You can overcome every obstacle that comes in your way provided you adopt the right mind set and that has been the biggest challenge I had to overcome.

On her personal life: I believe as women we have the ability to multi-task and I think that is one of the biggest advantages we have. It is true I have a hectic workload and when I am in work mode; there is really no time for anything else. But I believe the key to having a balanced life is also making time for some down time. At the moment I would say I work a lot more than I relax simply because I believe when you are given an opportunity, you give your absolute best to deliver. I have a good social life but it can be better but I am actually not complaining because I love what I do and I am extremely blessed to be able to do it.
On societal expectations of marriage: I believe society places a lot of expectations on young girls in terms of what age or stage in life they are supposed to get married which invariably leads a lot of young girls down a path where they are forced into marriages with the wrong person and often leads to a life time of sorrow and depression. There is nothing wrong with people getting married early providing they have taken the time to know each other and are making an informed decision based purely on love and mutual respect for one another instead of societal or peer pressure. That is what I am against. I believe I will get married when God deems it the right time.
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